Jesus is at work in Malawi. We want to be a part of it. Will you join us?
In the summer of 2009, Jessica and I saw the incredible things that God is doing in Malawi, Africa. The church is growing. African Christians are loving their neighbors in radical ways. God used this experience to confirm and increase a desire that had been in our hearts for a long time. We want to serve the African church and invest in Christian leaders who will renew the continent with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
God has now given us an opportunity to act on that desire. Last week, we finalized a 2-year commitment to join the staff of AfricanBible College (ABC) and have begun the process of raising support to move to Malawi. During this process, we'll continue to serve at Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church where we've been for the past 4 1/2 years. The leadership and congregation of WCPC have been incredibly supportive as we begin this transition. Our current goal is to move in August 2010.
Our ministry in Malawi will include Jonathan teaching in the areas of theology, Bible, and ministry leadership. Jessica will teach music and music education classes as well as direct several choirs and ensembles. In addition to our official responsibilities, we want to invest relationally in the students, encouraging them in God's calling on their lives.
Partner With Us
As we go to Malawi, we want you join us. There is so much more we would like to share with you about this opportunity. We hope to talk with you soon about why we're going, what we'll do at ABC, and how you can partner with us in this ministry. For now, we would appreciate your help in the following ways:
1. Pray. This is a daunting transition for the Robson family! Will you ask God to help us?
2. Let us know if you're interested in hearing more about this opportunity. Please pass along your updated contact info so that we can call, mail, email, or facebook you with further information. If you are a part of a church, Bible study, or other groups that would allow us to do a presentation, please let us know that as well.
3. Consider supporting us financially. We need your partnership in this way. Please begin praying about joining us in this ministry by giving to help us get to Malawi.
Please leave a comment or email (jerin90@gmail.com) if you want to hear more. We hope to post regular blog updates about this journey. Pray for us! Below are pictures of some students that we met this summer. Help us invest in these young leaders.
YAY! It's official!! We are praying for y'all. A part of me is so jealous of y'all, but we had our time. Hopefully, God will bless us again soon. For now, I am excited for y'all to be there working with ABC.