Sunday, September 19, 2010

3 hours on a cement slab

This morning we traveled to Madisi. Anold Saka, a sophomore at ABC, is the pastor of this CCAP(church of central africa presbyterian) congregation. Jonathan and I both have him for classes. He pastors over 6000 congregants in 26 different "prayer houses"  Jonathan was invited to give the sermon for the communion service, which followed the 3 hour morning service. 

The church building couldn't hold all the people. There must have been close to 1000 packed into this cross shaped sanctuary. We squeezed together, sitting on cement "curbs" for pews.  We heard the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles Creed professed in Chichewa. What an incredible feeling of unity to be surrounded by Malawians who share our faith in Christ.  Four choirs sang, including a children's choir of over 70. 

The communion service felt like an early church experience. Some were dressed in all white, and there was quiet singing of  hymns throughout.

There are multiple challenges facing the CCAP, some of which I mentioned in the last post. Please continue to pray for congregations such as these, whose needs are staggering. Please also pray for Pastor Saka and his family who are serving so sacrificially.

Georgia exploring Pastor Saka's house
(yes, that is an egg )

She found the chicken

inside the packed church

JJ and Janelle after church
nsima, rice, and beef
Enock(an amazing bass singer and junior at ABC) taught us how to open bottles without an opener!
outside the church
Jonathan walking back for the afternoon communion service

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